$739.00 USD

Plan 3 Coaching Sessions & Foundations in Emotional Intelligence & Gaslighting Defense and Recovery

Give Your Coaching Sessions a Boost by adding our Foundations in Emotional Intelligence and Gaslighting Defense and Recovery Courses at discount off our course sales prices.

What you'll get:

  • Save even off the course sale price while you save on your coaching sessions.
  • 5 Individual discounted 50 minute sessions with Coach Ryan
  • Be better able to hone in and describe your specific relationship concerns
  • Knowledge is power. Energize your journey towards greater resilience.
  • 5 Individual 50 minute sessions with Coach Ryan at a discounted rate. Boost your knowledge and empower your wellness with our Emotional Intelligence and Gaslighting courses.

Save on our course sale as we build our Dating Rules roadmap for healthy emotional intimacy. The roadmap will reference the information in both our Gaslighting and Emotional Intelligence courses.

Please note that coaching and the courses are informational only and not intended to diagnose anyone or replace therapy if needed.